Google’s Shiny WAVE

Ok, after watching this presentation on Google’s Wave PRE-Alpha, I was left totally amazed. This is a MAJOR SHIFT in online communications… I may finally be able to throw away my Inbox! HURRAY! From instant collaborative communication to instant Language Translation TO the MANY references to Firefly/Serenity. Heck even the NAME of the Google Wave should sound familiar to us BrownCoats… WAVE… anybody? “I’ll send you a WAVE!”, “Mal, you have a Wave” When this has Instant Google Video Chat built in, then this is truly Firefly’s WAVE of the future! And with that it is game over for Skype, iChat, Adium, etc. I may even re-consider BaseCampHQ… and that says a LOT! But, wow, I was just awestruck by the potential power of Google Wave today. I signed up for a Sandbox account and hope to get it soon and see how it might just affect well… just about EVERYTHING about the internet!

Google's Shiny Wave
Google's Shiny Wave